Download subnautica below zero ps4 for free
Download subnautica below zero ps4 for free

download subnautica below zero ps4 for free

Progression - Progression in Below Zero is completely uneven. After finishing (not completing, but decidedly not returning to) my second play through, I can safely say that I get it now.ġ. I had remembered fans of the first game having disliked Below Zero and didn't really understand all the hate the first time I played the game through. Having played through the first game multiple times, I decided to return to Below Zero again. 3/10, only play if you really want just want some DLC areas to explore after finishing Subnautica. Sorry, but this one missed the mark on interesting plot, horror, and survival game. If someone else was trapped on the planet, it would change absolutely nothing about what happens. The main character really doesn't do anything significant at all, except optionally finish what their sister was trying to do. Honestly the main point you're on the planet, your sister's death, feels like a subplot. There's nothing really to the story, you sort of arrive, find some alien stuff, find some more, and leave. At only one point did it feel like Subnautica, and that was exploring the underwater Altera mining site, and that was very brief. The normal map is super small, with every 200m or so being a new biome with just a large ravine that goes super deep inside it. The above ground sections were annoying because of the cold meter and how large the areas were, but all of that goes away the instant you find the snowfox, and then the areas are over in 2 seconds. The plot feels super shallow, and I completed the game in a quarter of the time it took me to complete Subnautica. Not exactly afraid, just mostly mildly annoyed that you keep getting attacked by different sea monsters. The experience of the game is very much the first trailer. This is sadly the only game which I believed I would enjoy, but was severely let down by.

Download subnautica below zero ps4 for free